27/38 N90 3 Core 37 SFC (6mm .22ohm) – Ohmcentric
27/38 N90 DEF 37 SFC 8wrap (.22 Dual / .44 Single)
Custom made BIG coils made specifically for the DEF 37 RTA. However, with an adjustment to the legs, it will drop right into the 41EG Voltrove 2post Velocity deck. Would be a great series single coil as well.
These large coils will want anywhere from 250-400W to really be in their prime, will output enough vapor to stop a small army and 3 pulls in could set off a smoke alarm in a large room.
Flavor and overall performance of these in the proper application are sure to be something amazing.
Created by Ohmcentric in the USA
Rebuildable atomizers and coils are for advanced users only.
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